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Website Policies

Linking Policy

We do not prohibit establishing direct links to the information placed on this portal, and no prior permission is required for this. However, we would like to be informed about any relationship given on this portal so that you can be informed of any changes or updates to it. Also, we do not allow our pages to be loaded into frames of your site's structure. The pages of this portal should be loaded in a newly opened browser window or tab.

Copyright Policy

The content displayed on this portal may be reproduced without charge after obtaining appropriate permission from us. However, the content should be reproduced accurately and should not be used in a derogatory or misleading manner. Wherever the content is published or issued to others, the source should be acknowledged. However, permission to reproduce such content will not be considered as copyright of third parties. The right to reproduce such content should be obtained from the departments, related copyright holders.

These regulations and terms will be governed and construed in accordance with Indian laws. Any dispute arising under these regulations and terms will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of India.

Privacy Policy

This website does not collect any specific personal information from you (such as name, phone number, or email address) that can identify you.

If this website requests personal information from you, you will be informed, and adequate security measures will be taken to protect the confidentiality of the information collected for this specific purpose.

We do not sell or disclose voluntarily identifiable personal information (government/private) to any third party or make it public. Protection against harm, misuse, unauthorized disclosure, alteration, or destruction of any information or disclosure of any information provided on this portal will be ensured.

We collect some information about the user such as Internet Protocol (IP) address, ownership name, browser type, operating system, date and time of viewing, and viewed pages. We do not make any attempt to associate these addresses with the identity of individuals who visit our site unless the site is attempted to be disrupted.